Sunday, November 15, 2009

Problem Statement for Educational Research

For my current Master's class we are to research a topic that relates to our program. Because I am enrolled in the Integrating Technology into the Classroom, I needed to find a topic that included technology. I have used Internet Reading Comprehension programs at both schools where I have taught. One used Accelerated Reader and my current school uses Reading Counts. Essentially, they are almost identical. I have definitely noticed an increase in the students' interest in reading through this program. On a personal level, this year I have noticed my own son, a second grader, really take off in his reading comprehension. When I really analyzed it, I could directly correlate it to the Reading Counts program. I am interested in seeing what I find out on a more formal level.

My Problem Statement:

I plan to determine if there is a significant increase in the reading comprehension of elementary school students who use point-based internet reading comprehension programs.

Who: Elementary School Students
What: Internet reading comprehension programs
Why: Increase in reading comprehension performance

If you have any advice, I would love to hear it! Also, I know of Reading Counts and Accelerated Reader, but do any of you know of any other type of program?


  1. As a mother of a fourth grader, I am very intersted in what your results will be. Like you, I have noticed an increase in my daughter's interest level with regard to finishing a book and what the book is about. Her school uses Accelerated Reader. What will you use for the control group? Will you have that group assess their comprehension using another method?
    It sounds like a very interesting study! Good luck!
    Lori Dupler
    7th/8th lang arts

  2. I also am interested in your results. This is another fine example of how to use this course and technology to tackle your project! I was wondering if you would use your findings and compare them to another similar data set? Since I do not know much of the program, would you limit your study to a particular grade or does it apply to a number of grades? I have to add again, a very good approach.

  3. Hi Tonya,
    I have a few questions - Do your students use the internet program in school? Will you attempt to measure how much time each student spends viewing the reading programs? Plus, doesn't reading comprehension naturally improve over the course of the schoolyear with age, maturity, and the types of reading students do on their own? It would be great (in lots of ways) if you could prove that this specific strategy helps reading scores in your class.
